Sunday, May 07, 2006

Lost And Found

So, the title kind of describes my life the past few weeks.

Let's look at "Lost". Lost and nowhere to be found around this blog, lately, for one. I seem to have lost the time for a few different things. Pondering. Daydreaming. Creating. On some days, sleep seems to get lost. Yet, I have managed to keep my promise to myself about swimming at least 4 days a week (often 5). I guess it all comes from lost spare time. And how did that happen ?

Let's look at "Found". Found a new job location with new responsibilities and a new attitude. New co-workers and new bosses who actually appreciate me for the work I do. How about that !
What a find !

Its been a crazy couple weeks and will remain so for a couple more. No problem. The daydreams and ideas will return. My 50 to 55-hour work weeks will subside to a more manageable 36 to 40 and the muse shall make her return - bearing gifts, I hope.

Until then, may I share a poem that I wrote a while back, when I was pissed-off about the lobbyist scandal in Congress. There was one angle to the story that I took personally and it "got my Irish up", as my Grandma Kelly used to say. A new magazine called Cesium liked it well enough to publish, recently.
You can read it here.

So long from the Lost and Found Department.

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