Saturday, October 02, 2010

New Poems...old attitudes...exotic recipes...weird fables... whatever...

Well at long last the interweb psy-ops project against MY SKULL has successfully concluded and that's as good an excuse as any for a run-on sentence and a couple of new poems....

(In other words, my internet connection has finally been restored)


i remember
more carnicerias
than grocery stores

more banda in the carnicerias
than lite-fm

more graffiti
than chamber of commerce banners

more pick-up trucks
than SUV's

more juanitas
than ashleys

more punk rock flyers
than Reader boxes

and the more i think about it
the less i want to remember.


i saw her yesterday
down the sidewalk in
a faded green sweater

laughing with a boy
holding coffee-to-go

the traffic
back-lit the evening at 5:45

and i remembered that
this was exactly how it was
supposed to happen

to say it all
as the city passes by
and people fold papers
and send texts
and adjust earbuds

...she waved with her hands
and he nodded yes yes yes and
she leaned in and he threw back
a ferocious laugh...

without effort
or pity or even
having to cross the street.