Thursday, May 11, 2006

I Used To Think This Guy Was A Jerk - Now I Think He's My Hero

Just wanted to spread the word about a brave decision made by a local poetry publisher, here in Chicago. His name is C.J. Laity, and this week, he voluntarily underwent a procedure to have 60% of his liver removed and transplanted into someone with a fatal liver disease. (How has your week measured up? Yeah - me too.)

A few months ago, I decided he was a jerk. I had submitted some poems to him and I never heard back. Rejection I can handle - but being ignored ? How rude of him, I thought. Is he sending a message ? Is my work not even worthy of a response ? Well, of course, it turns out he has been busy with a lot more important stuff than poetry submissions. You can read all the details here but you must click "Operation Liver Of Life" on the home page, first.

He is far from a jerk. He is actually my new hero. And I think he will be yours , too.

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