Saturday, October 29, 2005

A Definition (for now)


I started this thing with a vague idea in mind.

To connect.

As time has gone by - approaching a year now - I have shifted and squirmed about politics, culture, and the general state of the world. But I haven't connected with anyone, really. It turns out I don't have as much passion for screaming "FIRE" in the blessed theatre we call earth as I thought. So screw it.

I have a passion for art - music, poetry, and the elegant syntax with which artists string together life's verses and choruses. That's it. And that is enough.

The world is going to hell in a Wal-Mart shopping cart soon enough.

In the meantime, let's keep scribbling and typing, jotting down and scratching out, editing and perfecting the last days of our age. Art is all that matters.

And another drink wouldn't hurt, either. Join me, won't you ?

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