Tuesday, December 14, 2004

"Target" Your Shopping Elsewhere

I recently heard that Target Stores, here in the U.S., are barring The Salvation Army from soliciting donations outside their stores this Christmas season. For those not familiar - The Salvation Army is a Christian-based volunteer organization that provides shelter/food/clothing/job-training to the homeless. They also offer shelter/counseling for domestic violence victims, and pitch in with The Red Cross during natural disasters. In short - they are "THE GOOD GUYS".

But, with very little warning,(approx. mid-late November), Target Stores has decided that The S.A. is a hinderence to it's customers, and shouldn't be allowed to solicit funds in front of it's stores.
They claim that, legally, they would have to allow ANY group to solicit funds on it's property, if they allow The S.A. to do so.

The Salvation Army estimates that the drop in donations will be 9 million dollars nationwide.


I suspect this has less to do with non-legit charities horning in on donations, than Target's fear of their customers opening their wallets BEFORE they enter the store itself.

As for me, I don't think there is anything available at a Target Store that I can't get elsewhere. And those other stores will also have a red S.A. collection kettle that I will be glad to contribute to !

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