Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Heroic Lies

First, Jessica Lynch, and now, Pat Tillman. Is there any other sure-fire sign that the Pentagon doesn't want to "lose the audience" for it's mega-blockbuster dud in Iraq? They're reacting like film-makers do when their picture gets a lukewarm test-screening.

"Re-Write"!!!, they scream, when public support lags. "Punch up the characters! - Emphasize personal drama! - Make everybody want to enlist!!!"

Let me clarify one thing : Though I disagree with the Iraq War, I have no doubts about the sacrifice that all of the coalition forces are making over there. Lynch was severely wounded, and Tillman paid the ultimate price. Those realities are nothing to laugh at and neither are the countless other casualties occurring thanks to poor planning on the part of the Chickenhawks in Dubya's administration. The troops are no more to blame for this quagmire than the young men and women of the 1960's were for Vietnam.

Same shit. Different generation.

CNN's Anderson Cooper says pretty much the same thing, only less sarcastically. Go to http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ and check out his comments at the end of the 12/7/04 broadcast.

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