Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech Tragedy and Vonnegut

I don't mean to be flippant here. I mean no dis-respect to the families and friends of those lost in yeaterday's massacre on the campus of Virginia Tech University. And most of all, I am not trying to suggest that my previous post was anything other than a cosmic co-incidence. But I have been fuckin' freaked out by the timeliness of that KV quote I posted on Sunday.

"Godammit -you've got to be kind !"

It applies in every situation where madness and senseless violence tries to prevail. In every generation and across all boundries of ethnicity, economics etc..

"Godammit - you've got to be kind !"

And in extreme cases of mental illness such as this one, the kindest thing a person can do for another is TO RECOGNIZE THE SIGNS OF TROUBLE AND FIND HELP. IMMEDIATELY !.

Especially if that person is unwilling to do so for himself.

We ALL need to be aware of the general symptoms that a mentally ill person exhibits.


...and for those who believe in penance, let me offer 3 "God Bless You's" to balance out the previous "Godammits" - hey I'm a recovering Catholic - what can I say ?


1 comment:

Camilla said...

Well said shame people close to him didnt take the time to see he was about to do something very very sad and tragic.....