Sunday, February 19, 2006

...random...but true poem excerpt.............

later, Vicki said
you don't seem too happy
and i said
you're seeing things

she said
i dont know about that
and i didn't answer

and everything else
was in alphabet blocks


ChrisNCats said...

hey, at least you have alphabet blocks. that's something to build on. so chicago dave, are you really unhappy? or am i seeing things?

Chicago Dave said...

Well, I tend to slam into the brickwall of unhappiness a little harder than most - yes. That's because I have a medical condition called hypomania (also known as Bi-Polar II, or the "secondary" form of bi-polar disorder). In hypomania, the highs and lows are not as extreme as in full-blown bi-polar disorder, but still not exactly a stroll in the park. I take medication, which helps A LOT.

Maybe I should show the entire poem in the next post, hmm???

Chicago Dave said...


i took 1500mg today

a normal day
is 1000mg

but i had an extra
pill leftover

it was probably from a hangover
when i had
ibuprofen and
swarming my bloodstream
and i only needed
one leg

one wheel from the
bed to the bathroom

so that left an odd number
at the end of this month

3 pills

i took them
and went to work

later, Vicki said
you don't seem too happy
and i said
you're seeing things

she said
i dont know about that
and i didn't answer

and everything else
was in alphabet blocks

as the day
unwrapped itself
in padded layers

like the bed
i was needing
back at home.

ChrisNCats said...

and you say i'm brave for posting about my father? poetry - to me anyways - is like a glimpse into a persons soul. that is brave. i don't think i would ever in a million years post my poems. and so i thank you for letting me in a little.

Perdita said...

So this is where you've been. At least you're doing good work. :)

Speaking of work, I have alphabet blocks at my work. Sometimes the children try to bean me in the head with them.

Will you come out to play (in the having fun sense) and play (in the musical sense) sometime soon? Next Wednesday is songwriter night, wink wink nudge nudge.

that's all.


Chicago Dave said...

Chris - You're welcome about the poem. I guess maybe we just have two different definitions of courage. I'm a lot more hesitant when it comes to talking "straight" about family and friends. But when it comes to poetry or music,(regardless of subject matter), I can open a vein with no problem.

Julie - I won't be coming back for any more Songwriter Nights at The Gallery. I've had enough of the owner, Kenny.

Keep dodging those alphabet blocks !