Saturday, April 22, 2006

Money or Historical Status - You Can't Have Both....

I just heard the basics of this story, but it appears that historic Soldier Field - home of the beloved Chicago Bears football team - has been stripped of it's historic landmark status. Why ? Because,a couple years ago,the owners decided to "upgrade" the stadium to such an extent that it now no longer resmbles the original early 20th century design that Chicagoans (and architecture buffs everywhere) have admired for generations. That's right. They "needed" luxury skyboxes and expanded seating and more amenities and more parking and more. more, more.....

Money, of course. Thats what it comes down to. Now, this is probably just a semantic difference to the bean-counters in charge of the team and its now-less-than-historic-home. They don't care. But this fan does. And I'm betting that others do too. Even non-sports fans are probably taking notice of another instance where commerce has steamrolled art.

If this has any ill-effects upon the ownership, or the city, I say GOOD. You made your choice. You went for the money. You got paid. You will continue to get paid.

Now, don't you dare come crying to the media about "unfair" treatment. Take your money and shut up.

Or better yet - Take your money and shore up the offensive line, please. That's the least you owe us fans who used to be proud of both our team AND our stadium.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Fuck You, Rumsfeld

I am so sick of this arrogant prick. Treats reporters like pests, acts like press conferences are a threat to "democracy", etc... This image was spray-painted on the sidewalk in front of our neighborhood polling place in November 2004. No one has bothered removing it. God Bless the Blue States !

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Doctor's Orders

So, today I had a complete physical exam, and had to face a few facts. Pizza = EVIL. Exercise = MUST DO DAILY.

Plus a set of knee exercises to build quad muscle and lessen joint stress in my leg. And learn to also live with bursitis in the left hip. Good enough.

I am not getting any younger.

Towards cleaner living and clearer meaning.....